Each clinician’s unique cloud-based profile delivers a seamless, consistent, and personalized environment -individual or site-wide vocabularies, auto-texts, templates, voice commands - across all platforms and devices. Clinicians use speech to capture the patient story more naturally and efficiently, while a HITRUST CSF certified hosting infrastructure ensures secure communication of speech-related data into athenaClinicals. Cloud-based delivery offers automatic updates, quick deployment, minimal software footprint, and seamless access to individual user’s customized vocabularies, templates and commands - delivering fast, predictable, personalized, and dependable performance. With no voice profile training required, accent detection, and automatic microphone calibration, Dragon Medical ensures an optimal clinician experience from the start by creating a single voice profile that continues to adapt and improve over time. Dragon Medical embedded in athenaClinicials and Dragon Medical One - working independently or together - accurately translate the clinician’s voice into a rich, detailed clinical narrative that is captured directly in athenaClinicals.
Exclusive integration with Dragon® Medical allows clinicians to use speech to speed documentation in athenaClinicals and be more productive.